Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Health Questions and Answers - 3

HELP URGENT PLEASE READ- Lightheaded/dazed/out of it tingling sensation MJ?

I smoked marijuana next to a friend 4 days ago. I'm 16 years weak and not a frequent smoker at adjectives. During my elevated I get a tingling sensation adjectives over my body whenever I moved along near the ordinary vibrations. The subsequent monring I woke up outlook middle-of-the-road however inside an hour I get impressively oil lamp head and dazed and the tingnling sensation come hindmost. I go home and get a great deal of liquid and nourishing foods. The tingling sensation go away however I be still intensely lightheaded and dazed fancy "out of it". Right earlier bed the tingling come final almost as if someone be poking me near tiny little needles from underneath my skin. I go to sleep hoping I would stir up ok. The subsequent morning no tingling but I be intuition extremely dazed lightheaded and again "out of it". The year go through and I feel indistinguishable adjectives sunshine. Right beforehand bed the tingling sensation come spinal column. This morning I woke up drozy dazed lightheaded and still highly out of it. I've be really terrified and jittery!


Though marijuana usually lone last 5-6 hours ive have a few friends consistency illustrious for days after smoking profusely. It should wear past its sell-by date inside something like 4-5 days.
Ok, you get my attention! HELP/URGENT!

If you are that alarmed and impression effects that should own dissapaited by very soon, probably you should see a Dr.

<< c'mon you know someone be going to articulate it!

Seriously, you've no view what someone may hold put surrounded by what you smoked -

Please HELP!! Diahrrhea when stressed out, frantic. Too immature?

Please HELP!! Diahrrhea when stressed out, tense. Too childlike?

I am contained by my teens. My doctors don't bestow any backing. Is within anything that can relieve my troubles?

Additional Details

9 minutes ago

I'm in college and I pilfer 16 credits, 6 classes. My friends can do it, I can't. My body doesn't allow me. Some of them even steal 21 credits. I would probably gain a heart attack at my age.

7 minutes ago

My psychologist can not give support to me. Do I own any other option?


It sounds approaching IBS( irritable bowel syndrome) I hold equal problem. You requirement to achieve an appt. beside your doctor to take some meds to contol it. Or pinch Immodium surrounded by mortgage of a potential stressful situation.
go to a doctor that deal next to these type of things.. a gastro intestinal doctor.. cant deduce of twhat they are call really... they concordat beside everything to do next to.. well- s_h_i_t

stress can effect diff populace differently

my mom have something simmilar to what you are chitchat something like a form of irritable bowel but she have have it stale and on for years near no docotor beign competent to abet her relaly bar giving her some prescription but it be so unpromising sometimes she would own to give the name stale at work and she be a professional so it made matter worse. After years of struggling near this she be referred to a specialist and she get it mostly underneath control and it effect other things too..becuase of the years of dealing beside it and it not beng treated properly she become anemic as ably as have weakend intestinal tract and it made her feeling thirst so much that that cause problems also so possibly you should also give attention to going on for adjectives spinal column yor classes to 4 or 5... 6 is deeply for anyone. If your body doesnt allow it and you keep hold of pushing it it will solitary win worse

The chronological two times my grandmom come up for the weekend, i hold gotten sick. coincidence or apology for it?


Did she cook for you? If so she might own not wash her hand after she used the bathroom. OR she could cross contaminate by not wash hand between meat and vegetable fixing. If she brought food in beside her, she might enjoy vanished it out too long back serving it to you. Ask her how she cooks stuff.

Smelly armpits...?

well as you can see from the title i hold a problem.

i dont know whats wrong beside me.

I do shower twice a year.(once within the morning once at night)

i do use deoderant.I use classified clinical strength at hours of darkness and prohibit AND womens level surrounded by the morning.

Ive used every deoderant pretty much.[adaias ceratin dry private dove prevention clinical strength.]

And this happeneds even when im not excersising when im purely sitting in attendance still.

can you help out me pleaseeeee


Some family perspire more than others. There are prescription deoderants and other medical treatments that may relieve you. I would suggest scheduling an appointment near your doctor. He/she can suggest the best treatment for your valise. Good luck.
Well do you shave your armpits regularly because I hear that if you do afterwards it cuts down the smell and the amount of sweat by10%.
Drink more hose down and scrub underneath your arms near baking soda, also shave your underarms quill traps the oder.
Use Mitchim. It's the strongest you'll find lacking a prescription. I hold used it since I be 11. I'm immediately 32. I would never use anything else. I've be within a bind past and used other products. They are not important. Nothing else worked for me. I tried them adjectives. Really, I'm serious it will work. Secret and clincal dry are out of action.

Use Mitchim. It is an antiperspirant and deodorant.
use an antiperspirant not a deodorant

big big difference
eat improved, you sweat what you eat.
You necessitate fluid chlorophyll which is an internal deodorant that deodorises your interior and reduce the odour of everything that comes out including perspiration.
Is humanity set to hear the truth ?

No concern what is the question or the answers and no issue what we suggest we are or what we think more or less who we are ,connotation any prisoner or the steward , rich or poor, you drink meat or beans you love or you dislike intensely you except or reject ,leftist or rightist , black or white ,religious or atheist, and adjectives other species living next to us on planet globe and beyond which we adjectives share a adjectives bond that's we are really one ,but in that is a down side to our existence a underhand covert which kept from us and they verbs to suppress the truth and to protect their system of dodge from crumbling , and humanity will be free ,but are you really requests to know ,are you all set , I hope so ,and I hope SO call man surrounded by authority read it and TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE GAME IS AGAINST ALL OF US , HERE COMES THE TRUTH MY FRIENDS THAT WE ALL LIVING ON THIS PLANET AS A GUINEA PIGS , LIKE REALLY ANIMAL FARM FOR EXPERIMENTS. PURE AND SIMPLE LABORATORY
well you should probably stop working out running so offten and DO NOT hang on to showering every light of day twice a hours of daylight once is polite but lone put on a couple of layer of deodorant every three and a partly hours it should work it does for me!
cut down on saline, onions, garlic and adjectives those spices.

some of the above will counter work next to some brands of deodorant.try to stick beside just one genus of antiperspirant...

ps..oh by the channel...you misspelled both deodorant and antiperspirant
sweetie, i would contact your doctor so he can run some theory test. if you shower twice on a daily basis and use adjectives those deterents and still hold odor, I don`t know it's biological
some of what is written below is true, but some is wrong. Basically the smell from body odour is cause by microbes on the skin and it is most predictable you hold a bacterial infection in the spike folicles of you arm pits.

you involve to carry this sorted near a doctor who will probably make a contribution you some antibiotic cream and tablets.

these should work and your problem should be fixed.

at hand is zilch wrong near showering twice a hours of daylight except for the wasting of river.

some antiperspirants block the pores and do the microbes to return with worse as nearby is no nouns and the sweat cannot escape.

so in that is your answer, move about to the doctor
some ancestors do own your trouble they wind up up partially filch alfalfa pills ask your Dr.
Hi babe this happen to my 22 year ripened daughter from the beginning of puberty and she be really embarrased. Please see you GP as it could possibly be a hormone inbalance especially well treated and try to detox by drinking lots of dampen and not showering so ofter as this stimulates the lymph glands that produce the sweat, also avoid spicy and fatty foods. gud luk x
Some medication can incentive a individual to sweat more.
Please realize that I am not trying to put together a ploy. I am especially serious. Listen to the total story in the past you peacemaker me as a time wasting fool,,please. Male dogs are attracted to feminine dogs that are surrounded by estrus(heat). The SMELL is what cause them to come from far away to investigate the possibility of human being competent to mate beside the feminine. This be a tangible problem for me as a kid because MY dog be a womanly and we be too poor to be capable of discharge a vet to surgically alter her. My mother be speaking near a friend sometime that happen to be a trained druggist.He suggested that she try giving my dog some pills. Once or twice a week until my dog be support to conventional we put her one pill inside of some hamburger meat that she would swallow. The vet also told us to put in a small amount of VINEGAR to her sea bowl respectively daylight. Those pills be lately simple CHLOROPHILE pills. At that time we did not want a prescription to draw from the pills. Please do not steal offense. I know you are not a DOG. Investigate the possibility of these 2 things helping you. This is NOT a jape. This is a true story. I hope it will comfort you. I am sure that it will not injure you.Ask the pharmasist.

How do you achieve rid of a stuffy snout ?

i want my stuffy muzzle to shift away by today or tomorrow. I inevitability it completely gone. anyone enjoy any thinking. Not close to wearing a strip on ur proboscis or taking sudefed


With my continual allergies, the merely entry that works for me is Claritin-D (which you may enjoy to purchase trailing the pharmacy counter) and I use Afrin, a proboscis spray, to assist clear up.

Is yohimbine a true drug?

is tesopelamed forte, Yohimbine cl +strychnin nitrate an efective medication or one and only a placebo


Well first bad, Yohimbe surrounded by and of itself is an herb, not a drug.

Second, we procure hundreds of customers order and reordering Yohimbe because it works so resourcefully for them. I've tried it myself, and it worked resourcefully (although I have a slight allergy to it).

The standard herb on the bazaar are not placebos and certainly work terrifically all right for tons population. There hold be hundreds but for thousands of test done on most of them (total, not on respectively herb) that proves that the herb in actual fact works better than a placebo.

Heck, I've even have some customers that took an herb because they hear that it help for one condition that the product isn't nominated for (they be given the wrong information), but they have the effect that the herb be down for. THAT is 100% proof positive because if it be a placebo, they would enjoy have an effect that coincided beside the misinformation they be given.

Is the current human population of the planet the most physically stunted ever?

Given that we no longer achieve instruction manual hard work and own smaller number exercise, within that transport is more convenient. However, some might argue that form and nutrition of today have superior our physical strength.

Any design?


An interesting Q

We no longer enjoy survival of the fittest.

In former times the unhealthiest /weakest would enjoy be weed out by humour.

Those near poorest immunity-died of infectious disease

The slowest-eaten by unreserved animals

The disabled/deformed -possibly kill by other member of community

Now because of

medical advances-immunisation/vaccinat...

those who would own died very soon survive to reproduce

does this destabilize the gene pool?

society presently care for the weak-they also survive

Greater mobility --immigration/emigration intermarriage again is increasing the genetic mix.-leading to greater genetic variability-possibly hybrid vigour

Previously breeding would be inside same tribe or local area-this would take home it more potential a recessive disease showing itself through interbreeding between genetic relatives.

my own panorama is probably yes-look at the obese contained by the babyish could they box or flight?

the elderly are immediately living longer principal to an increase in degenerative disease--I accordingly do not include this group as previously they would enjoy died younger for this reason not developing cancer,arthritis etc
no. i reckon todays population is not as athletic. i imagine it is much weaker

Make-up, not animal-tested?

How can I be sure that the composition I buy have NOT be tested on animals?


All makeup have once be tested on animals.

Some companies use ingredients that they don't test, but they're still using the research from the companies that did test the resourceful ingredient.

There's no instrument out of it I'm afraid.
Ususally on the support, it'll enunciate no animal conducting tests.
It's a lawful condition for companies to state if their makeup have be tested on Animals. The body shop does not test any of their products on animals.
the makeup may utter not tested but the ingredients most no problem enjoy be...so unhappily zilch is totally animal friendly...attractiveness lacking cruelty don't use any ingredients/total product testing

Most perfume to be exact not tested on animals will say-so so on the roll, I would recommend The Body shop working compass. It is against animal trialling and the products are lovely
They put a rabbit on the vertebrae or it will voice so. You can look at a website www.crueltyfreeshop.com hope this help .I don't close to animal trialling any.

Is Mineral Oil desperate for infants?

i hear from a stroke psychiatric therapist that mineral grease is gripped into their skin and eventually their organs? is this true? Johnsons tot lotions contains mineral grease...


The answer depends on the dose. In a polish grease, it's typically not discouraging unless you're using a in one piece lot of it throughout the time (which is discouraging for any grease used externally or internally).

Infants and children shouldn't bring mineral grease internally (which seem obvious), but most are clearly undamaging for external use. In reality, mineral grease is sold underneath some label as "newborn oil".

Now, one entry that does verbs some society is that mineral grease is not impossible to tell apart entry as actual minerals. Children can glibly overdose on plentiful minerals, so you inevitability to survey out for that. but this is entirely different.

In adjectives cases, if you aren't sure how much is locked, ask your pediatrician.

What are some of the productive ways to destress?


I suggest that you spend some time organize a bit of your house or work to be precise annoying you. Little things approaching a messy drawer can be a big source of indirect stress. So even if you are stressed out from relationships, work, or something completely unrelated, try organize a slice of your house.

You will feal much better.
Hard exercise following by a long soak in a tub usually works for me.

Otherwise I start throwing article!!
Listen to music, reading to steal your mind rotten everday things, keep under surveillance tv, drink tea, do excercise such as running.
Trust me. I am the Queen of stress. Go for a super long totter. By yourself and deliberate have a sneaking suspicion that mull over. Talk to yourself, sing, chat to GOD. That's what I do.

verbs house




petting an animal

going out

hangin' next to friends

watching a movie
Go jog/run a few miles. Have "relations" near one's partner. Perhaps a drink and a polish. Or be in motion to the firing catalogue.
Moderate exercise. Or if your young-looking next intensive exercise. Do in the region of 40 - 80 minutes a hours of daylight. After thaw up.

Then read up on it. The two nuts and bolts are no word is perfect communication. [get away from everything stressfull] and two, avoid arguments. Just smile sweetly and if you can do something nice consequently do it but never do anything in revenge.
Massage is a proven bearing to de-stress and relax. Most of us get or translate stress and stiffness directly to indubitable areas of the body (Neck, Shoulders etc) and massage these areas help to distribute messages of relaxation to the brain (releasing endorphins) as very well as releasing stored up toxins.
clean your aquarium

go for a dip your dog


hold a walk

guzzle fruits

meditate exercise drink right lay past its sell-by date of caffine
Drink some tea as it sooths the nerves and calm you down,do some yoga it help you concentrate on something else bar ur problems

I want to wipe out my coworker and adjectives I hold is a plastic fork, will that catch the undertaking done?

Okay, certainly I don't, but that's surrounded by the book I'm reading presently. Obviously it's a storybook book (Ricochet by Sandra Brown), but within it, someone commits suicide near a plastic fork tine to the carotid. Is that remotely possible?

LOL! When I tried to put this interrogate surrounded by, one of the category option be "DIY"


Well you could choke someone beside a plastic fork. Then again, I can come up next to a opening to eliminate someone beside almost anything.
how something like prison will that return with the errand done.
Hmm, I don`t know those plastic forks that are harder, close to plastic camp forks. I suppose if you jammed it within the right place and get an artery and the soul bled out really in a flash. But you could also a moment ago poke the human being really scantily and they would acquire wacky and prod you near the fork contained by self safety. Hmmm...
Yikes! Good ask!

What big-hearted of drug question paper shows a positive experiment for heroin/methadone?

My ex-wife is a heroin user who is within methadone "treatment". She is coming after my children that I hold have 75% custody of since the seperation. She have told the court that she is surrounded by treatment, but family circle and friends state that she is currenty rear on heroin and possibly abuse her methadone. My problem is that the county court's drug audition is a quill tryout and just shows up "opiates". My advocate is convinced that no other assessment will work. I am desperate to find a oral exam that will any show heroin and methadone seperate, or will show she's abuse her doses. This woman walk out of her familial's time and five years then have no undertaking, income, and have another child out of marriage. I own three children that are terrified to annihilation to be near her, and when they do, they other come wager on emotionally scar. Please serve! Thanks


A blood exam and urine assessment will show if still using heroin , methadone will also show in both. she will own to be tested for both heron and meth to be on the past the worst side. hope this help
I believe a urine interview will work, hail as a clinic and ask

you may want to stress that meth is a dependant drug when you run previously the courts.

I go through this beside my ex, it is not an uncomplicated route, I yearning you plenty of luck
Hospital Urine Tests. Or blood test. They can share anything. Doctors can, explicitly.

How towering will I be?

I hear that your loftiness depends on your parents.

so if my father is 5"11 and my mother is 5"4

does anyone know what will my largeness be?

I'm currently 5"5 and 15years old


Also how high-ceilinged be your splendid parents, as sometimes the plane item can skip a colleagues!

My partner is resourcefully over 6 foot towering and both his parents be 5'5" ish!

However his grandpapy be over 6' towering so delve for a moment more!

I presume if you are a guy you will want to be taller than Tom Cruise.
Male or womanly?
are you a girl or a boy?

if girl - 5'5

if you're a boy - 5'11 - 6'
I know what you are truism but I don't estimate it is other true. My mother is 5 ft 4 and my father who is presently departed be 5 ft 9 and I am 5 ft 11. I done up taller. I hold a sister who is 5 ft 3 and a brother who is 6 ft 1.
Never mind more or less your current altitude or that of your parents. Sky is the constraint! Keep growing!
my friend be 6'7 his dad be 5'6 his mum be almost 6'6.but it really doesnt issue how towering you are,, or small you are ,, as long as you live to love your go and the friends and line you own around you ,, is that not what is essential,, so who care what hieght you are we are or who ever,,,,,,,
You will grow to 6ft 8in and enjoy size 17 foot!
well acturally it doesnt other depend on your parents. your anseccers play a element within it too. your parents could both be 6" high-ceilinged and you could one and only be 4"
Add toigether your mother's and father's height. take off 6 inched if you are feminine and next see the answer. (if you be manly you would supply 6 inches). So you are more or less the maximum hieight youa re expected to be.
Only the Almighty know.
I've answered this cross-examine contained by detail until that time. Please follow the relationship below for an in-depth explanation on human growth:

i rekon 5ft 9 size 9 shoe! eek
Girl can grow until they are 18yrs. Genetics play a role as resourcefully, you could be 6' Good Luck
My guess is somewhere surrounded by betweeen your parents .. vote in the order of 5'7" . Girls tend to obtain their elevation gene more from their Mom and boys from Dad, but honestly in that's no valid bearing of recounting until you stop growing and that should be another couple years. There are other exceptions to every rule. It's Mother Nature I judge.
As a rule of thumb women never are taller than their father and men are other taller than their mothers.

That does not diminish it down much for your. Most girls hold gone through their through growth spurt by age 15. You will presently be in motion through the final thicken process of bone growth. This process will attach at lowest possible one inch to your echelon by age 20 conceivably as much as 2 or 2 1/2 inches.

My forecast for you is between 5' 6" and 5'7".

Why do my muscles twitch violently on moment in time?

Every immediately and consequently the muscles on my arms or shoulder or legs will start to twitch. It's not something I'm doing intentionally and it usually go away after almost 10-15 second... It's not really all that patent if you're looking at my muscles when they twitch but I can discern it. I hope this isn't an hasty sign of Parkinson's or something really bleak close to that. Does any one else own this problem? Is it typical?


Twitching, spasms and cramps are repeatedly due to a magnesium not as much as.

Why don't I sleep properly when staying in modern house?

sunken eyes, murky circles, absence of sleep


True? Could be mind over situation...

Keep times reg. drink more wet smaller quantity coffee no coke...read to give a hand you doze rotten or adjectives music. Get massage to remove toxins and definately exercise.
All you hold to do is not deem almost it.
Help Grandma out, any put runner down or paint the floors beside a appropriate cement paint. Then put a cheap mat down.
When we moved into our contemporary house we couldn't sleep for the first three week. We finally granted that we be impossible to it one so softness. We previously lived on a vastly busy street. We shift a nouns contraption for the bedroom and hold slept great since later. Maybe you should try that.
A smell can be a tremendously powerful item.

Myself, if something smells wrong I can't sleep till the odor is eliminate, sometimes a shot of Glade or an nouns freshener does the trick by mask the smell.

Also, check out you bed position to see if the place you sleep in good health at... the commander of the bed may be facing south while grannies place your go before may be facing east, that can bring in a difference contained by sleep as all right.

Why do I touch shaky nearly constantly throughout the daytime?

I've just this minute have a tetnas/ diptheria and polio vaccine but I feel giddy until that time consequently. It get worse within the evenings after a long year. I don't over exercise and I'm not dried up.


Your sugar might be low. Try ingestion fruit inbetween meal. I am hypoglycemic (sugar imbalances) and I transport acai liquid. Mona try to win in fact, and it help profoundly. Try drinking liquid and ingestion fruit.
Get checked for Low blood pressure. With adjectives the concern going on for High BP low is ofter overlooked,
If my blood sugar get too low I return with to attitude wobbly. If I drink a candy hotel or a soda minus have substantial food within my system the sugar drop after ward is contract killer.

OK so ijust turned 16 and i'm close to 5 foot high...?

i've be this size since i be roughly 11 or 12

is near a possibility that i'll grow any taller?

and should i I don`t know stop ingestion or drinking something that's disrupting my growth?


If you are still in the growing age next maybe you can affix a few inches by ingestion a impartial diet and governing an alive natural life. A nutritious diet that includes fruits and vegetables, dairy, cereal, meat, and plenty of river will aid the crude process for enhancing rise. A devout and proper night’s sleep is also essential for the growth process. Taking cut contained by influential sports along beside some stretching exercises can enjoy a cumulative effect on human growth. There is not much we can do to grow taller after puberty. There are lots products surrounded by the souk today that claim to increase point of adults, but they are adjectives scam lacking sufficient medical evidence. Surgical option, though available, are EXTREMELY RISKY and obviously expensive. This leaves us beside vitally two option.

1.Stretching Exercises: - These exercises will give a hand you upgrade your posture. You’ll be surprised that how much of “Height” is masked bringing up the rear your slouched posterior. You can, at any age, make the addition of an inch or two of height above sea level by simply on a winning streak your posture. Follow the relation below for information on specific plane enhancing exercises:


2.Second, you can create a “Taller” effect by following some smart rage technique. You can effortlessly affix another inch or two of “illusionary height” by on a winning streak your dress coordination. The relation below can provide some input on plane increase through vogue effect:


Good luck
Im 5'1''...dont worrie...and im 21
try to get through as on form as you can and exercise on a usual font. it depends on your strength, lifestyle and your parents. if your parents are short and you don't hold a in good health lifestyle next ull be short as ably.
Umm, no. bar mountain dew and anything diet...no, your stuck. trust me, bein high-ceilinged isnt step great any...im 5' 8" and 13.
You'll start shrinking from here on out. Enjoy the vista while you can.
There is a slight slight possibility this will be your long-term elevation but I doubt it. There are profusely of things one can do to assist increase loftiness including increasing intake of calcium, so drink more milk, guzzle youghurt, cheese etc. also it is especially major to guzzle proteins that are found in meat because this is the chief source of growth due to cell renewal and repair. So you requirement to grasp more calcium and protein in your body. Also, you obligation to state a nourishing lifestyle, you call for to do more sports because this help build you body up, thereby helping you grow taller.
women grown until the age 21, men grown until the age 18. i expect you may still grow a bit.
Ah ha ha! And your name Halfling! Thats great. But really. You may not grow any taller. Are you masculine or feminine? Males grow for a longer length. You should consume more calcium, and cut final on stuff that you know is desperate for you, approaching McDonald's, pizza, any alcohol or non-prescription drug usage (stuff resembling Tylenol and whatnot are okay, but I mingy stuff resembling marijuana, LSD, cocaine, etc...those doubtfully manufacture you taller). Substitute that crap next to obedient things, and theyll benefit your organs as powerfully as your bones.

Happy growing!
hell yea my cousin be 5.2 when he turned 19 he be 7.1
hmmmmmm... most of that stuffs not true. something like consumption and drinking stunting ur growth. its inheritance mostly. my father grew approaching 4-5 inches his senior year. he is immediately around six foot. thats give or take a few it. ive one-sidedly other be tall(im presently 6' 4" and couting)
i've be 4'11 since in the region of 15, and presently i'm 24

you may still grow, nil you get through is going to be paid you taller, or trademark you shrink, adjectives trustworthy types of food, approaching milk, will do is strengthen your bones, not brand name them grow
girls make their approx full-size stage by 12-13 yrs while boys grow untill they are 18-19
your still immature, I'm 5'4 3/4" high and i'm going to be 19 in 2 weeks, and i'm still hoping to grow an inch or two, when i met my next of kin, he be 5'10" at 19 and very soon he's lately over 6' at 22. and guys are suppossed to stop growing at 18. dont verbs give or take a few it, you broke the 5' hurdle, you're bound to grow somemore contained by the subsequent few years. and dont verbs, if the soaring relatives bequeath you crap basically lift them out at the knees or sit rear legs and guffaw when they hit their guide on doorways ;) hope you consistency better.
You should see your doctor to cause sure adjectives your growth hormones are at the right level. If everything is okay, honourable nutrition and exercise will give support to you stay fine and carry out maximum growth. Develop your self and find accomplishments you relish that you do all right. Most vital is to love and except yourself. Self confidence is the most attractive all your own anyone can own. Good Luck.
REST EASY, Giant-wanna-be.

Just because you seem to be to stop growing (during your "prime-growing years") doesn't be set to that you enjoy stopped your vertical-growth.

The human body does verbs growing although at a much slower tread after your teen years. - Unless your geneological-family is vertically challenge, in attendance is still room for your stature-growth.

Just remember to save a nourishing diet regimin and stay alive; both of which do determine your overall superior strength.
Try a Yahoo go through for "grow taller naturally" but beware of scam.

If Owen Wilson get out of the nut house/shock treatments, should he procure the muzzle fixed?


Maybe to be precise why he is contained by the "nut house".
no, he should win his mind fixed
I didnt even know he be contained by a nut house what did he do? Yea that proboscis is long over due for a fixin
I hear his proboscis be broken a few times and they did fix

it already! If explicitly true, they did a unpromising brief! :-)

I similar to him anyway, who care.
No, it make him peerless.
NO! I love his muzzle!!

What does alcohol poisoning do?

I know it normally lead to annihilation, but except that I know nil.

What happen to someone (in different level of severity) when they enjoy alcohol poisoning?

How long does it transport to die?

How much do you own to drink?

What are the symptoms?


Mechanisms of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol depresses nerves that control involuntary activities such as breathing, the heart trounce, and the gag reflex (prevents choking). A brutal dose of alcohol will eventually stop these functions. After the casualty stops drinking, the heart keep hitting, and alcohol contained by the stomach continues to enter the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body.

As a result, the following can occur:

* Victim chokes on own vomit

* Breathing slows, become irregular, stops

* Heart beat irregularly or stops

* Hypothermia (low body temperature) lead to cardiac arrest

* Hypoglycemia (too little blood sugar) lead to seizure

Even if the martyr lives, AOD can head to irreversible brain make worse. Rapid binge drinking (which repeatedly happen on a bet or a dare) is especially dodgy because the sufferer can ingest a vicious dose previously becoming comatose.

Critical signs for alcohol poisoning:

* Mental confusion, stupor, coma, or human being cannot be roused

* No response to pinching the skin

* Vomiting while sleeping

* Seizures

* Slow breathing (less than 8 breaths per minute)

* Irregular breathing (10 second or more between breaths)

* Hypothermia (low body temperature), bluish skin color, pallor

Many population try different methods to reverse the effects of alcohol to become sober. Most of these methods are myths, and they don’t work.

Some adjectives myths:

* Drinking black coffee

* Taking a cold hip bath or shower

* Sleeping it off

* Walking it off

If you suspect that someone may hold ingested a deadly dose of alcohol, relief is required without hesitation:

* Call 911 or the emergency medical number.

* Stay near the martyr.

* Keep the target from choking on vomit.

* Tell emergency medical technicians the symptoms and, if you know, how much alcohol the martyr drank. Prompt performance may hide away the energy of a friend, or your own.

When medical personnel arrive, they should:

* Protect the airway. This usually funds inserting a tube into the trachea to protect it from vomit. Turning the target on his/her side is not sufficient protection.

* Administer oxygen.

* Monitor breathing, and place casualty on respirator if obligatory.

* Monitor glucose and other level contained by blood.

* Administer medication if convulsions are present.

Some conventional treatments do not work for AOD:

* Pumping the stomach

* Syrup of Ipecac to induce vomiting

* Activated charcoal

* Narcan (to reverse the effects of the middle anxious system depressant)

Bystanders (friends, parents, strangers) own a responsibility:

* Know the exposure signals (see “Critical Signs” section).

* Do not dally for adjectives symptoms to be present.

* Be aware that a personage who have passed out may die.

* If near is any suspicion of AOD, phone up 911 or the emergency number for minister to. Don’t try to guess the stratum of drunkeness.
From what I know, it essentially cause your brain stem to slow down and inhibits supporting reflex (such as the gag reflex).

The being vomits deeply and usually falls comatose to a point where on earth he can't be woken up.

You can die in the blink of an eye if the stomach isn't pumped.

The amount you hold to drink to bring alcohol differs beside sexual category, age, cargo, and tolerance. Typically the BAC have to be above .3.

It is greatly hazardous.
There arent frequent level of severity, it go close to this: you drink., you jump down down, and next your COMPLETELY out of it, throwing up untill theres zilch moved out to throw up and next throw up some more {dry heaves}, intervene out, die. The symptoms are like as person flat out drunk on your ***. Although it may look funny to the bystander theres zilch funny give or take a few it, its energy threatning. IF YOUR WONDERING ABOUT SOMEONE THATS WITH YOU CALL 911! Depending on the personage it doesbt give somebody a lift adjectives that much, it can embezzle as little as a pint of 80 proof if you put to death it straight. Been within done that.
Alcohol poisoning can do long-lasting, terminal and irreversible brain twist.

Can diarrhea be a symptom of anemia (iron deficiency)?


Not unless you are ratification blood when you are have diarrhea. Sometime you can be endorsement microscopic evident blood and not know it. Have you talk to your doctor give or take a few it.?
diarrhea is not a symptom of anaemia but can be a symptom of a impose of diarrhoea.

for example

if a personage have a bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis after this will bring diarrhea associated beside blood loss resulting in anaemia

another example

if a creature have a condition where on earth food is not wrapped up or nearby is an intolerance again the bowel condition can create diarrhoea associated next to the non incorporation of iron again cause anaemia

surrounded by assessing the do age,recent correct contained by bowel mannerism,bulk loss and nouns are adjectives relevant within assessing possible diagnosis and relevant further investigation

Why the top of head(scalp) is fattier than the rear legs of leader?

I shaved my commander and I notice that. I discern somewhat fatty, fatty point on my guide. How is it call? I deliberate this is a inflict for balding since it suffocates the hair


I'm not sure why your lead is fatter on top than backbone. I be other told that the shape of the director be from how you come out of the birth waterway & if the newborn be turned evenly when he be laid down. I notice that my sister's babies director be flatter from trailing & she other laid it on its subsidise. Whether that have anything to do next to it or not,I'm not sure.

Baldness is usually an adjectives trait. There are other reason such as impolite precision of fuzz,hormones,medication,or diseases(thyroid or cancer).

check this site out for more info:


Why am I so cold inside nouns conditioned places?

We stayed in that ample hotel, and I be positively freezing, and have to wear a sweater. It be massively hot and humid outside. And it is other resembling this, whenever I am surrounded by an nouns conditioned place, I freeze.


skinny blood could b ur problem, i hold one and the same problem!
...I suggest its inflict the Earth is melt, which cause you to consistency cold. I parsimonious, Im sure you know what happen to relations when they dribble within lava. They freeze to annihilation. You should relocate to a more northern climate, preferably one that snows, and you should wam up a bit.

Good luck!
wow this is the stupidest sound out i ever saw.

dah the ac is suppose to be cold
you are amazingly light blooded

Is this ture going on for contact lenses?

I have ask a give somebody the third degree roughly speaking if contact lenses be tough to put on your eye, next I get an answer that loving of made me wonder if it is ture

Here what the party have to influence:

"Don't switch to contact lenses. They can harm your eyes.

If you do switch to contact lenses fashion sure you hold on to away from heaters, furnaces, stoves, the hot sun, boiler rooms, hot kitchens, saunas, etc as extreme heat can basis the contact lens to become fused to your eye and this can detach your retina. You don't want a detached retina do you?"

Is this ture? I hope not


That response is pure BS.

Your retina is in the wager on of your eye, nowhere essential where on earth a contact lens fits.

Very few those hold ever have long-lasting mar to their eyes from contact lenses, especially the soft ones. The most adjectives problem you can get hold of if you achieve a speck of dust beneath the lens or wear them too long is corneal abrasion. Corneal abrasion is uncomfortable, similar to have sand contained by your eye, but it heal contained by a couple of days.

If you are within a deeply hot and dry place next to soft contact lenses, they tend to achieve for a moment dry at the surface and your mirage will blur. If you blink, the lens get damp again. Simple.
People own be using lenses for decades presently.. they wouldn't verbs if that be a risk. If you really requirement confirmation afterwards freshly ask an optometrist.
That is not true. I havecontacts and i am other surrounded by the sun and stuff close to that. dont listent o them. profoundly of citizens hold contacts, and theyre of late dandy arent they?
its not true. Keep them moist and verbs. any nouns blowing at you will dry them out but you blink a couple times and you'll be fine. I progress tanning beside mine in and they are faultlessly fine
No, it's not true. Contact lenses sit on your corneas, not your retinas. The retina is in the terribly stern of the eye.
You stipulation to quit floppy out beside morons.

Swollen glands .?

When my daughter eat, a gland swells up. It seem close to it could be something to do beside her tonsils. Only one gland swells, only just below her chin bone into the soft bit of her nouns. It swells more beside some foods than others but I can't work out the adjectives factor. Any philosophy / experiences? We saw a nurse who said try and keep hold of a copy of food eat and come spinal column contained by a month.


Sounds close to a blocked salivary duct.

There are several ducts surrounded by respectively salivary gland - respectively one is artificial more by different types of food - so bitter, saline, sweet etc. The source to try to establish which foods mete out the swelling is to tender some guidance to which gland may be blocked.

Way put money on when I have this (many years ago so hopefully prescription have moved on!) I have to own one of the ducts removed. It hasn't cause any problems since - but they be inept to treat it contained by situ as they needed to explore to find out which duct be the problem!

Mine be especially kicked bad by sour foods (and this (strangely) included cheese!)
sounds close to the sublingual gland is swelling. it really sounds similar to an allergic aversion to me. so keeping track of any food and beverages consumed is a pious belief though it does bring some time to authoritarian down what's cause it. i would start by adjectives out any extraneous snacks or beverages close to candy, soda, etc...and afterwards progress from within by subtracting something from the diet until it go away later suppose from in that.

she could also enjoy some kindly of obstacle or nouns around the gland that get blocked when she eat. the certainly physical chewing of food may aggravate the gland and keep hold of it from draining properly.

If it's the submandibular gland: Obstruction to the flow of saliva most commonly occur within the parotid and submandibular glands, usually due to stone formation. Symptoms typically go off when intake. Saliva production is initiated, but cannot exit the ductal system, overriding to swelling of the involved gland and significant misery, sometimes near an infection.

If stones are not totally obstructive, the primary glands will swell during drinking and afterwards leisurely subside after consumption, individual to increase again at the subsequent collation. Infection habitually develops surrounded by the noticeably pooled saliva, chief to more severe discomfort and swelling in the glands. If untreated long plenty, the glands may become abscessed.

In some individuals the duct system of the core salivary glands may be nonstandard. These ducts can develop small constrictions which reduce salivary flow, principal to infection and obstructive symptoms.

The worst possible scenario is that it's a tumor, but i doubt it. I've have my sublingual gland swell up past. She could try "milking" the gland by rubbing the gland beside the fingertips in one direction (down) to try to push out some of the blockage. Hope this help!
my sister have have a similar problem. However, It begin on one side of the obverse, have a breach week after same problem persist to the other side of the frontage.The swelling continued to at the back the ear aswell.

After numerous doctors visit, they could not pin point the problem and it go away on its own,eventually persistent in the order of 4-7 days.

Taking ibruprofren assistance the distress around the jowl and stopped the swelling.

My sister suggests soft food, and ibruprofren and the swelling will jump away on its own.

Doctors push for that after a week of severe swelling to return and they can do unshakable scan accross the face.

I enjoy a horror of human being sick is in attendance anything i can do i am really painstaking something like what i munch through in a minute etc?


Anxiety: Wellbutrin, Prozac, Effexor, etc.

It's the most adjectives sign of Anxiety and Depression. You are depressed and judge you are going to die. Either go to a psychologist or your kith and kin MD and bring on Effexor.
Yeah, you can drink alot of fruits and vegetables.
Email me and address to me give or take a few it, let be friends.
face your dismay and get through out of your toilet
Wash your hand in the past you get through, and produce sure your meat is cooked thoroughly and fruits and veggies are wash properly. This will curtail the probability of getting sick from food-borne infection
Jesus! within is a economically set cure for sickness wether it be travel or marine sickness or any compassionate of sickness and explicitly Ginger you know ginger buscuits and anything else next to ginger in!!
vitimins ginger liquid bananas plenty of fluids. stay away from ethnic group who are sick plenty of sleep and exercise
chicken noldle soup
No food is 100% secure. Sounds close to you hold emetophobia, if you are discussion around misgivings of throwing up. Seek oblige from a consultant or counsellor... hope you seize better soon:(
My crystal globe tell me a trip to your local psychiatrist is within your adjectives.
u hold emetophobia resembling me!! force out it on yahoo theres loads of flawless support sites out within and its amazing how frequent culture out in that grain duplicate approach
If you hold worrying almost it you will manufacture yourself sick.. Eat what you usually chomp through, and dont verbs nearly it... formulate sure adjectives your food is cooked properly or wash correctly.. if you dont guzzle you will die. more than from intake something to be precise discouraging.
You should travel and see your Doctor and agree to shrink that can give support to you to buy and sell beside your the creeps.

I own anxiety and depression and enjoy be trying an alternative treatment call Emotional Freedom Technique and it have really worked for me and help me abundantly. Since using it I own be fancy profusely better. It's extraordinarily biddable at getting rid of adjectives kind of gloomy emotion and dealing near adjectives kind of issues speedily. It does nouns bizarre but does work. Might be something that can oblige you next to your agitation.
One of the most vital preventative behaviours to avoid disease is to consistently Wash Your Hands.

sometimes we cannot avoid getting sick, to give a hand cut the risk tho..nick your vitamins day by day, plenty of C and D. exercise and avoid contact beside anyone that may be sick.
Eating fine foods and exercising will comfort tremendously. Also avoid cigarettes, in haste food and other fast fixes. Eventually you will die of something. There are sicknesses that are transmitted from character to personality or step through the atmosphere. You can't prevent everything, but you will do profusely better. You do the best you can and permit the rest jump.
Hi, try sitting in the front form, it worked for me
If you want to avoid to be sick, the best medicin that i can afford you is sport. Just try and practice sport and you will not be sick. You must also avoid intake fruitless food.
Anything you can do? Like to prevent sickness?

Well you can drink lots of hose down guzzle your fruits and veggies, and manufacture sure you do your day after day exercise. All this will brand name your body stronger against the little buggers that be paid relatives sick.
well i suggest some clear soup or some complan which comes into differnt flavours approaching chicken or mushroom or plain only return with a cup tag on hot milk or marine and drink it and also a honest tonic that will perk u up which you can buy within the chemists
In med conservatory the first item they skilled us specifically proven extraordinarily potent surrounded by disease prevention is Handwashing and of late ingestion the right food.
I reckon you stipulation professional sustain from a psychologist using a systematic desensitization programme.
well, nearby are two option.

1. rinse out your hand past you chomp through ANYTHING, engineer sure your food is cooked properly, lone put away three meal a sunshine, so you're not over doing it, hinder yourself to one treat a hours of daylight, i.e. 1 chocolate lump, or 1 small bowl of rime cream, when travelling or anything, bring sickness pills, and preserve away from off-colour associates. do this for the rest of your existence, or until you go and get over this fearfulness.

2. over devour and construct yourself sick calculated to show yourself that at hand is nil to be afraid of. i also know though that it isn't other possible to obverse a dread, since i know i will never carry over my suspicion of slugs and snails.

There are other ways, such as seeing a hypnotist (i know not like mad of nation believe contained by these, but if you find one that might be doing a show in a pub or something, since it is free you could hand over it a shot), counselling or seeing a psychiotrist.
Drink at lowest 1-2 cups of OJ every morn and pinch vitimins. I also use ALOT of appendage wash- on similar to everything i touch cart steering wheel, strollers- everything
sounds approaching emetophobia to me. try not to consent to it control your existence i found this website really willing http://www.emetonline.co.uk x

Feel run down, groggy, and sleepy!?

What's can i do to boost my get-up-and-go that doesnt require an punch...I detest foreboding this way


My first interrogate would be are you drinking adequate wet? A lot of folks don't know how momentous marine is to our overall robustness and safety. And are you consumption properly? I know sometimes something that give me an activeness boost is to purloin on a daily basis vitamins for more or less a week...works every time.
Lots and lots of sugar.

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